
BOTOX® Cosmetic (and BOTOX® Therapeutic) services are provided through Keystone Dental. The College of Dental Surgeons of BC has included BOTOX® as part of the scope of practice of cosmetic dentistry in British Columbia.

One of today’s most popular, non-surgical cosmetic treatments, BOTOX® is most commonly used to reduce facial/frown lines, lip creases and crow’s feet around the eyes. By temporarily blocking nerve impulses that spur muscle contractions and cause wrinkles, BOTOX® injections can give your face a smoother and more relaxed appearance. One 10-minute treatment of a few small injections can produce natural-looking results that last up to four months.

But BOTOX® is not just about improving your cosmetic appearance. It has also shown significant therapeutic benefits, particularly for people who have issues such as Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders and teeth clenching/grinding problems. These types of issues can cause a great deal of discomfort and potentially damage teeth; the relaxation of facial muscles that BOTOX® provides can offer significant relief to affected people. In many cases BOTOX® treatments can be a viable alternative to more traditional remedies such as dental splints or mouth guards.

The muscle relaxant effects of BOTOX® can also be used to help address migraine headaches and muscles that involuntarily twitch or spasm. Many people who suffer from headaches have found significant relief through BOTOX® applications, with the severity and frequency of their headaches being substantially reduced.

Why does a dentist offer BOTOX® applications?

Professional dentists have an extraordinary knowledge of facial, head and neck anatomy – the areas of your body that they work with every day! They routinely study and understand the intricacies of facial muscles and construction in order to provide cosmetic dentistry services. These aptitudes, combined with their skills in delivering injections in sensitive areas means that dentists are an excellent choice to provide you with quality BOTOX® solutions.

We encourage you to speak with Dr. Gordon to determine whether BOTOX® is right for you!